Gail’s Story

My story won’t fit either, so I hope you don’t mind me joining your post. The following is a copy of the letter I have submitted to my State Representatives:

The US House is proposing to severely cut Smith-Lever funds needed by 4-H and Extension Services. Ohio will lose $1.3 million for the fiscal year that is almost half over, which means more than two dozen lost jobs from already reduced staff. The Extension Service provides free unbiased, researched based information and trusted educational programming. It serves a growing, increasingly diverse constituency with fewer and fewer resources. At a time Ohioans have the greatest need for the benefits the Extension Service offers, cutting its funding will end up costing Ohio far more than the proposed cuts are trying to save.

To share with you the total scope of services and benefits an Extension Service offers would take more days and pages of testimony than you or I can afford, so I will offer testimony as to how just one extension agent, in only one of her many roles as an OSU-Miami County Agent, affected just one 4-H child and her community.

In the past 4 years, my oldest daughter’s 4-H activities have resulted in her
volunteering 800 hours (a value of $5600 @ $7 hr.) for community service for programs such as:
• Operation: Military Kids Hero Camps – helping the children of military families deal with the stress of deployment.
• OSU-Miami County 4-H Camping Program, -serving children from all over the county, -not just 4-H kids.
• CARTEENS – serving as a youth facilitator for the Ohio State Patrol’s monthly traffic safety program for juvenile offenders.
• Personally raising $2,000 in 4-H fund-raising projects, benefiting local non-profit agencies such as children’s hospitals, food banks, homeless shelters; deployed military servicemen and their families; disadvantaged children; and local families in crisis.
• Now too old for 4-H, her dedication to community service continues in her volunteer work as an ENT Oncology Student Aide at OSU’s Cancer Hospital, and for Habitat for Humanity.

She has provided a total of $7600, or an average of $1900/yr., in support of her local community.
The true value of benefits received by the recipients of her community service is immeasurable.
She is but one of 844 4-H members and 1809 youth served countywide; 317,286 youth served State-wide.
Consider the volume and diversity of the community service 4-H kids bring to their community and State, and you begin to understand the Extension Services’ influence is profound, far- reaching, and undeniably life changing.

There are benefits the Extension Service offers that simply cannot be measured. Please consider the profound impact they have had for my daughter, and remember, Extension Services help so many others like her:
• Thanks to participating in Citizenship Washington Focus, Operation: Military Kids, CARTEENS, State Leadership Camp, and countless local community service projects, my daughter developed remarkable leadership and citizenship skills. Coming from a small, underfunded public high school that was unable to offer but one AP course, her high school transcript could not boast the level of rigor other college applicants enjoyed. But thanks to her 4-H experiences, she was able to demonstrate qualities colleges valued highly. As result, she earned direct-entry admission to the three most competitive pharmacy programs in our state, one of which has a 5.6% acceptance rate.
• Thanks to opportunities the Extension Service offered, my daughter was able to demonstrate leadership and citizenship that resulted in her being selected as an Ohio State University Welcoming Leader; a Dayton Better Business Bureau 2010 Student of Integrity Winner; DAR, Lion’s and Rotary Clubs Citizenship Awards winner; a Top 10 Girls Nation Finalist and City Central Committeeman at Buckeye Girls State; and class officer throughout high school, including President of the National Honor Society.
• Her 4-H resume led to her being awarded over $25,000 in local scholarships, which was especially needed her senior year due to her father’s unemployment.

The example I offer demonstrates the difference just one extension agent made, and it illustrates only one of the many roles this extension agent fulfills. She illustrates why the lost of even one extension agent is too costly, – the cuts in funding proposed by FY 2011 CR will cost the jobs of more than two dozen.

The Extension Service builds communities in ways that are perpetuated across generations. Like my daughter, I started in 4-H, and the leadership and service skills it fostered remain with me. 4-H led me to my career as a Family and Consumer Science Teacher, and being recognized as a Dickenson T. Guiler Excellence in Teaching Fellowship Award winner. The value of community service 4-H instilled in me led me to co-found and help fund the start-up of a State approved, local, non-profit early childhood center which provides high quality care and services to families of children age 3 – 13. I also volunteer as a Science Olympiad Coach and 4-H Advisor. The Extension Service is responsible for my livelong dedication to serving youth and my community. How does one put a dollar value on this? It’s difficult to appreciate until you live in a community that hasn’t a single State approved child care facility, or enough citizens willing to give their time and expertise to try to make their community a kinder and better place.

My testimony is not unique; it’s true of countless others who haven’t yet realized the need to alert you to the Extension Services’ true value and importance. At a time when Ohio continues to lose critical services due to budget cuts, it is a fool’s game to cut Extension Services that empower individuals with resources, skills and the character needed to strengthen their communities.

Please do all that is in your power to stop the proposed cuts in the Smith-Lever funds proposed by FY 2011 CR, and restore funding needed by the Ohio Extension Service. Our communities cannot afford to lose this vital and effective community building program. It is a cheap investment that has consistently yielded high returns year after year, and Ohio needs its services now, more than ever.


This story is a story from our Facebook Page… Please contact your rep ASAP!

My Story of 4-H…

I was suppose to write this for the Brand Advisory Team that I am on, but I feel like sharing my story for you to read. I hope this encourages you to start writing your 4-H story. Feel free to email me ( with your story, and I will post it here, for all to read. I’m also posting this here in hopes that this story will make you contact your congressman/woman and tell them how 4-H has made a difference in your life and to support equal funding for the Smith-Lever act. For more info: @CESValue @4h @runneals

4-H is my life! I couldn’t imagine my life without 4-H. 4-H has helped me achieve better leadership, citizenship, and presentation skills. 4-H has helped me help my community, by providing many volunteer activities. It has also, in the last few years, gotten me interested in geospatial technology (GIS Mapping, GPS, Geocaching, etc). Continue reading

The Value of CES

I was sent this from a colleague of mine who asked me to host this… PLEASE CONTACT YOUR SENATOR ASAP! and Follow @CESValue

I’m writing to express my interest in restoring the funding that if allowed to take effect will severely affect the Cooperative Extension Service in New Mexico as well as around the country.  I’m speaking with firsthand knowledge.  Not only did I spend my childhood growing up in 4-H, I decided to make it my career when I graduated from College. You see, 4-H is not just another youth program; it is the premier, top notch program that was developed by the people working within Land Grant Universities.  4-H is a grassroots program that has members as young as 5 and volunteer leaders in their 90’s.  You would have to look long and hard to find such a diverse age range that is expressed in these cross generational partnerships within one organization. The great diversity of the 4-H program does not stop there, agents in every county in New Mexico offer more than 200 project areas that will capture the interest of any youth. These projects range from animal, nature, and science to rocketry, healthy living, responsible budgeting, and most of all leadership.

Within the 4-H program we teach our youth to be respectful, active members of society. They leave this program with the confidence and ability to make the right choices. I hope you were a member of 4-H as a youth or you have made it a point to get involved with this great program. For if you had ever know the benefits of 4-H, I know you will be fighting with tooth and nail to save our funding.  Another important factor of the 4-H program is that not only do we offer youth over 200 projects but we emphasize a sense of community in these young people’s hearts. I don’t care if you are in the most rural of towns or here in Las Cruces, you will see  4-H youth getting together and making a positive change within their respective communities. The youth not only identify the need, they go about a plan to address that need and then put that plan into action. 4-H is the largest youth organization in the world, we are reaching more youth than anyone else in a time that nobody is reaching enough. How can we expect the good old USA to stay strong and productive if there is nobody teaching these qualities to the youth?

If the 4-H program is lost we will be doing our country a great disservice that is not justifiable. We cannot cut funds to the programs that keep these youth from getting in trouble. Give a man a fish and feed him for a day, teach a man to fish and feed him for a lifetime. We are teaching America’s youth to fish both figuratively and literately.  Youth are leaving our program and being a positive factor in the world, we are keeping kids off the streets, off drugs and out of trouble. Please don’t take that away from our kids. If we are no longer there for them, who will be?

The 4-H program is worth saving in its own right, but it’s not even close to what Cooperative Extension has to offer.  Cooperative Extension is the people’s arm of New Mexico State University, we take the knowledge and research findings from the University and put it into the hands of the people, the same people you serve. Don’t you want your constituents to be well informed and utilize knowledge to the best of their abilities? If funding to Extension is cut, so are many of the opportunities that people have to better their lives. I don’t see how you can look anyone in the eye and say Yes! Cut Extension Funding.  Knowing what a great negative impact you will be bring on one of the last positive, diverse, and life changing programs available to the people of United States Of America.

John R. Allen,

Doña Ana County

Livestock/4-H Agent

The Value of CES & 4-H…

Hello all,

I’m writing to you with a need. If you haven’t heard, the US House of Reps’ H.R. 1 CR is proposing cutting $217 Million from NIFA’s budget. This is more than 1.5 times greater than the 10.3% cut proposed in overall non-defense discretionary spending. The largest proposed cuts in NIFA are $29.8 million from the Smith-Lever Program, which would harm America’s 4-H Clubs (which provide positive youth development to over 6 million of America’s youth) and other Cooperative Extension programs that help farmers and ranchers grow more food and consumers eat nutritiously.


I have a feeling if these budget cuts did get passed, it would end up looking like Lane County, Oregon did. There were VERY SAD kids, because of this. If this didn’t move you, I don’t know what will. These kids’ futures will for sure be impacted. So PLEASE WRITE YOUR REPRESENTATIVE ASAP and do your part to make happy kids!

Contact your representative here!

!!The Reason!!

The message is to encourage Congress and the White House to treat the Cooperative Extension budget line (Smith-Lever) the same as other formula funding lines by restoring the Smith-Lever line to FY10 levels similar to all other formula fund lines in the budget. The request is for you to highlight and share success stories in your state, by you and by your constituents so as to develop a clear picture of nationwide support for Cooperative Extension . We need your stories of impact and success as expressed by you and your constituents in the social media to make this work. This effort is being done in parallel with the other more traditional efforts of mail, email, and face-to-face contact with Congressional representatives. Both actions need to be taken for maximum effect. House
Members are in recess this week and may be back in their district for meetings.

The Impact 4-H has had on My Life

4-H has impacted me in MANY ways! I LIVE FOR 4-H! I have been able to become a much better person. I have learned valuable leadership and presentation skills. Because of 4-H, I have been able to have an impact on the national level. I’m currently working with National 4-H Council. I would NEVER be where I am today without 4-H. So, PLEASE SUPPORT 4-H!

Here are a few links for more info on the impact of not receiving more funding:

The value of Cooperative Extension Service – @cesvalue

The value of 4-H – @4h

The Revolution of Responsibility – What AMAZING projects 4-Hers are doing

News article from LA: Proposed Budget Cuts would Hurt 4-H

Update 1/5/11


I’m writing a quick post of recent happenings that have been going on…

The first was a national honor. The great people over at National 4-H Council wrote an article on what I have been doing in 4-H with GIS! You can read that HERE. I also heard from them today, that they may be interested in my story for The Revolution of Responsiblity, which would make it go even MORE national!

Speaking of national, I also heard today that I was selected, along with 8 other 4-H youth, to be on the National 4-H Council’s Strategy Focus Group. I don’t have much more information, except it sounds as if we will help refocus and strategize Council’s priorities. Will share more about this later, as the information becomes public.

The fourth is that I’m SUPER busy! I’m currently coordinating the construction of a website that is funded by Reach Out Iowa and ran by the Iowa 4-H Tech Team. I have put many hours into this project, and we haven’t even hired a coder! Some may say that a website is EASY to build, but in reality, a GOOD website takes MANY weeks and maybe even months to build! Hoping to have the site ready for beta at the time that the Iowa 4-H Leader’s Retreat is held, February 11th and 12th. I am hoping to launch this site around April 1st!

Speaking of the Leaders Retreat, I’m on the planning committee for that TOO! I’m gonna help take pictures, be tech support, AND another presentation! I’m presenting on Technology in the 4-H Club meeting. So if you have any ideas, feel free to share them with me – david at runneals dot com

I can’t forget school! I’m going to be starting another ISU class on Monday in Computer Science learning about algorithms and Visual Basic… I imagine this will be MUCH funner then the class I took last year, which I learned MS Office in, what a DRAG! I’m currently looking at taking an online GIS class this summer, which will count as one of the 5 classes required to get a Certificate (I’m hoping, and kinda aiming to get all those classes done by the time I’m a senior in High School, and HOPEFULLY I can get my certificate either right after graduation OR  right around the time I start college!

Some of you are thinking, “REALLY?!? And your HOW OLD?!?!?” – I hear ya! I’ve been REALLY busy trying to keep up myself! Will be REALLY glad when school gets done in a few months, so I can do EVEN MORE with the wonderful 4-H I’ve grown up to LOVE and other projects!!!! (And that answer to that question you asked me, “Yes, Really! And I’m 16 & a Sophomore!”)

I think that is all for now! Hope I haven’t bored you too much. Until next time, D.

Iowa Geographic Alliance…

Hello all,
I, along with 2 other people, met with the Iowa Geographic Alliance (GAI) Coordinator today. The GAI is a program, that is partially funded by National Geographic Society, to help teach, and assist, k-12 teachers in Iowa about Geography. The coordinator met with us, because he wanted to learn about what 4-H does with a Geographic Information System (GIS). I have a feeling this will be an exciting venture in the future, collaborating with GAI. We are hoping to start working with them next year. We may even have a conference in a couple years for Iowa GIS Educators! (That would be COOL, but its aways away.) This is a really cool thing that we are working on. I will let you know more, as it becomes public.

Homework and other thoughts…

I don’t get my homework. I don’t.
I want to know why you teachers assign it to us. I think it is torture, especially out of a stupid book. I think teachers need to broaden their horizons, and use more online resources. I have this assignment that is due tomorrow that requires us to go online to the US FWS website, and find endangered and threatened species. I think more teachers need to do this. I think this is a start. I believe that teachers are scared to do this sort of assignment, because most students don’t have internet at home. That is WHY there is something called a PUBLIC LIBRARY! Our public library has BOTH wifi AND computers. My math teacher is taking the lead, by assigning projects for each chapter in the book. The last chapter, she required us to use some sort of technology (animoto/google docs/etc) to show a problem solving problem. More teachers need to be like her. (although she has a laptop cart in the classroom, a Promethean whiteboard, and since her room is the ICN, an ELMO sort of thing (using a celling mounted camera). Another teacher using it is my Natural Resources Teacher. He so far has used his GPS units. He also required us to do a project, and a few did theirs in powerpoint. Last of all is my world history teacher. He has us complete a few inclass assignments, where we go down to our IMC, and visit… this is the ONLY site that he uses, which I think is kinda annoying. I say give the students questions, and let the kids go find the answers (using different sources), and then record the sources.

Those are my thoughts… I still have some BORING book work tonite to complete, so bye!

Perserverance Pays Off: How a Small Community in Iowa put GIS to Work

**I just saw this in the Community of Practice (CoP) that I work in. I never heard this story. To learn more, visit**

This story features one person’s five-year odyssey to bring the power of geospatial system technology to his small hometown in rural Iowa. It serves as an inspiration for other rural leaders who are intrigued by the possibilities of implementing geographic information systems (GIS) to serve their citizens.

In 1999 Bob Schultz, a training consultant for Iowa State University and the Iowa Department of Transportation, dreamed of putting the power of geographic information systems (GIS) to work in his rural hometown. Although not technically versed in GIS himself, he knew enough to know that Polk City, a rural community of 2,500 in the heart of Iowa, could reap great benefits from geospatial technology, just as suburbs and cities have been doing for years.

To begin, he decided to simply map “crash and crime” events in Polk City, despite the fact that the local police chief had never heard of GIS. Schultz located a graduate student at Iowa State University who optimistically said that the project could be done in about six months. Schultz emphasized that this project must be a “turnkey” project, so lay persons like himself who were not technically competent in GIS, could easily understand and use the system.

Learning to Communicate

Six months passed. Bob Schultz and a member of the Polk City Planning and Zoning Commission sat down to see the GIS project results in action. With a new, step-by-step manual in hand, Schultz sat at the computer and was stumped. He had no idea how to begin. He realized that the Polk City GIS Project was not going to be as easy as first thought.

Therein lies a basic obstacle in GIS implementation: a communication gap between GIS designer and newly learning end users. With little knowledge of the complexities of a GIS, Schultz believed a functional GIS was simply a matter of connecting existing databases to maps. The graduate student designer, on the other hand, assumed Schultz had a basic knowledge of GIS software, computer file management, and the various GIS data structures.

The first six months of naïve optimism turned into frustration. There was, however, encouraging progress during these early months. Polk City had received a grant to purchase a new computer for the police department, along with basic office and GIS software, a new printer, and a scanner. The early months also introduced the concept of “data scrubbing.” Seldom does a person or agency write street addresses into public record the same way. Many hours were spent researching address formats with the county assessor’s office, the U.S. Post Office, the police department, and the local utility company. Schultz also attended conferences that dealt specifically with another new GIS operation, “geocoding” (address matching). The result: a standardized addressing format for Polk City and an efficient format for street naming by city officials.

Help Wanted

After Schultz’s initial disappointment, a new crisis arose. The graduate student on whom Schultz heavily relied graduated and was gone. Left with a strong vision of what positive things GIS could do for his little town, Schultz had no one to provide the all-important technical expertise. What followed was a revolving door of volunteers and new problems.

Schultz shared his frustration with Polk City Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) staff. An MPO staff member volunteered to help in his spare time. After reviewing the previous six-month effort, the volunteer offered the discouraging news that it would be easier for him to start over than to try to continue the graduate student’s work. Surprised and disheartened, Schultz realized he must explain to the mayor that the stalled Polk City project had to be created again from scratch. Little did he know that this scenario would repeat itself during the next four years. Each new volunteer, in turn, either moved out of the area or transferred elsewhere, thereby eliminating project continuity and the hope of sustaining volunteer efforts.

After four years, discouraged and ready to admit defeat, Schultz shared his story of dead ends and missteps with the GIS coordinator for the state of Iowa, Alan Jensen. Jensen listened and then asked, “Would a cooperative GIS arrangement with Iowa State University be helpful?” Asked to describe how this arrangement would work, Jensen didn’t know because he had just come up with the idea.

The two men brainstormed and settled on a basic framework that would not only help Polk City, but could help other rural towns that were interested in following Polk City’s lead. There would be a membership fee and a service contract customized for each town. Iowa State University students and professors, along with University Extension, would provide technical and educational assistance to Polk City department heads. The GIS work done at ISU would be billed at an hourly rate; a line item in Polk City’s annual budget would cover the costs. The key in the GIS co-op plan was Alan Jensen who acted as Polk City’s interim GIS coordinator (see sidebar). The project was finally on its way toward a cost-effective, accurate system to serve Polk City.

As time went by, city officials became more aware of the benefits of a GIS. The police department computer and GIS software began to pay off with real-world solutions:
* When the Des Moines MPO requested a new land-use map from Polk City, the fee for the town’s consulting engineer to prepare the map would have been $3,000. A GIS volunteer prepared the map in one hour at no cost to the city. Savings: $3,000.
* In the wake of an active tornado season in the Midwest, city officials took a close look at their early warning siren system. Using GIS to delineate the range of the two existing sirens, they quickly realized they needed to add a third. Depicting the sirens’ range with circles, the GIS quickly helped them identify the most accurate placement for the new siren. Savings: $500.
* When an area of land northeast of town was being considered for annexation, the town used GIS to show a one-mile buffer of land along the northeast boundary. Drawn by hand, the process would have been tedious and time-consuming. The GIS software drew the buffer in seconds. Savings: $1,000.
* The town used GIS software to digitize an existing snowmobile trail and then map changes to it after a city review. Savings: $500.
* The Polk City team created maps of the local bike path for organizers. Savings: $500.
* The volunteer GIS team assisted city departments with emergency-response planning for a national Seniors PGA golf tournament to be hosted by Polk City in June, 2005. The resulting plan was compiled into maps, which were distributed to all police and fire units to help improve emergency-response times. By completing the project in-house, the town saved about $3000.

Polk City Formally Embraces GIS

As a sign of growing acceptance of GIS, the town recently created the Polk City GIS Committee. It’s comprised of a city council liaison, the head of each of the four departments involved in the GIS Project – administration, fire department, police department, public works – and the GIS specialist from the town’s engineering consultants, Snyder and Associates. Bob Schultz is a consultant.

The committee’s first project was to identify and map each of the town’s 2,300 fire hydrants, which would benefit three of the four city departments: administration (for inventory), fire department (for location and flow information), and public works (for maintenance). One volunteer located the hydrants with a GPS unit, and another took a digital photo of each hydrant providing a visual context so it could be located under snow. Public works employees rechecked each hydrant for various items of information, such as vendor name, date purchased, and flow volume. This information was entered into the GIS fire hydrant database. Finally, a public works employee painted the end bolts of each fire hydrant plug according to a predetermined code for amount of flow and the hydrant’s condition.

In June of 2004, the city council unanimously voted to adopt the GIS budget into its planning and maintenance processes. They approved a GIS budget of $50,000 for computer equipment, plus basic office and GIS software. An additional $5,000 was proposed for the GIS software maintenance agreement, Internet connectivity, and miscellaneous expenses. This figure will be monitored and adjusted annually.

The historic GIS-support vote by the city council placed Polk City in a strategic position for future planning and maintenance of the city’s infrastructure. Town officials can now make better decisions using “what-if” scenarios constructed in-house with their own GIS. Many day-to-day management tasks have been simplified, and as GIS skills of town officials grow, the cost savings keep adding up. Increasingly, city staff are requesting GIS maps and information.

Other GIS implementations/projects for Polk City that are under way or being planned include:
* Controlled burn planning for public safety
* Parade routing and special events planning
* Parking maps for the city’s Web site and public distribution
* Construction project planning
* Manhole cover locating and inventory
* Sign inventory and database development
* Law enforcement: GIS-produced maps help monitor sex offender housing locations
With the power of geospatial technologies at hand for planning and infrastructure maintenance, city planners will be limited only by their own imaginations.

This bulletin was produced by the National Consortium for Rural Geospatial Innovations–Mid South (RGIS), located on the campus of the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville. RGIS brings geospatial technologies and the benefits of the Information Age to rural America, where land is fundamental to rural economies and ways of life.

Additional support provided by the USDA Cooperative State Research Education and Extension Service (CSREES).